Friday, 30 November 2012

syllabus for final year, open elective -1 operation research ,UPTU/GBTU


Difinition and scope of operations research (OR), OR model, solving the OR model, art of
modelling, phases of OR study.
Linear Programming:
Two variable Linear Programming model and Graphical method of solution, Simplex method,
Dual Simplex method, special cases of Linear Programming, duality, sensitivity analysis.
Transportation Problems:
Types of transportation problems, mathematical models , transportation algorithms, 
Allocation and assignment problems and models, processing of job through machines.
Network Teachniques:
Shortest path model, minimum spanning Tree Problem, Max-Flow problem and Min-cost
Project Management:
Phases of project management, guidelines for network construction, CPM and PERT.
Theory of Games :
Rectangular games, Minimax theorem, graphical solution of 2 x n or m x 2 games, game with
mixed strategies, reduction to linear programming model.
Quality Systems:
Elements of Queuing model, generalized poisson queing model, single server models. (12)
Inventory Control:
Models of inventory, operation of inventory system, quantity discount.
Replacement models: Equipments that deteriorate with time, equipments that fail with time.

Monday, 2 April 2012

GATE syllabus 2013 for mechanical engineering

        GATE 2013 - Syllabus for Mechanical Engineering (ME)

Linear Algebra:

Matrix algebra, Systems of linear equations, Eigen values and eigen vectors.


Functions of single variable, Limit, continuity and differentiability, Mean value theorems,
Evaluation of definite and improper integrals, Partial derivatives, Total derivative, Maxima and
minima, Gradient, Divergence and Curl, Vector identities, Directional derivatives, Line, Surface
and Volume integrals, Stokes, Gauss and Green's theorems.

Differential equations:

First order equations (linear and nonlinear), Higher order linear differential equations with
constant coefficients, Cauchy's and Euler's equations, Initial and boundary value problems,
Laplace transforms, Solutions of one dimensional heat and wave equations and Laplace

Complex variables:
Analytic functions, Cauchy's integral theorem, Taylor and Laurent series.

Probability and Statistics:

Definitions of probability and sampling theorems, Conditional probability, Mean, median, mode
and standard deviation, Random variables, Poisson, Normal and Binomial distributions.

Numerical Methods:

Numerical solutions of linear and non-linear algebraic equations Integration by trapezoidal and
Simpson's rule, single and multi-step methods for differential equations.
Applied Mechanics and Design

Engineering Mechanics:

Free body diagrams and equilibrium; trusses and frames; virtual work; kinematics and dynamics
of particles and of rigid bodies in plane motion, including impulse and momentum (linear and
angular) and energy formulations; impact.
Strength of Materials:
Stress and strain, stress-strain relationship and elastic constants, Mohr's circle for plane stress
and plane strain, thin cylinders; shear force and bending moment diagrams; bending and shear
stresses; deflection of beams; torsion of circular shafts; Euler's theory of columns; strain energy
methods; thermal stresses.

Theory of Machines:

Displacement, velocity and acceleration analysis of plane mechanisms; dynamic analysis of
slider-crank mechanism; gear trains; flywheels.


Free and forced vibration of single degree of freedom systems; effect of damping; vibration
isolation; resonance, critical speeds of shafts.

Design for static and dynamic loading; failure theories; fatigue strength and the S-N diagram; pri
of the design of machine elements such as bolted, riveted and welded joints, shafts, spur gears,
rolling and sliding contact bearings, brakes and clutches.

Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences

Fluid Mechanics:

Fluid properties; fluid statics, manometry, buoyancy; control-volume analysis of mass,
momentum and energy; fluid acceleration; differential equations of continuity and momentum;
Bernoulli's equation; viscous flow of incompressible fluids; boundary layer; elementary turbulent
flow; flow through pipes, head losses in pipes, bends etc.

Modes of heat transfer; one dimensional heat conduction, resistance concept, electrical
analogy, unsteady heat conduction, fins; dimensionless parameters in free and forced
convective heat transfer, various correlations for heat transfer in flow over flat plates and
through pipes; thermal boundary layer; effect of turbulence; radiative heat transfer, black and
grey surfaces, shape factors, network analysis; heat exchanger performance, LMTD and NTU


Zeroth, First and Second laws of thermodynamics; thermodynamic system and processes;
Carnot cycle. irreversibility and availability; behaviour of ideal and real gases, properties of pure
substances, calculation of work and heat in ideal processes; analysis of thermodynamic cycles
related to energy conversion.


Power Engineering: Steam Tables, Rankine, Brayton cycles with regeneration and reheat. I.C.
: air-standard Otto, Diesel cycles.
Refrigeration and air-conditioning
: Vapour refrigeration cycle, heat pumps, gas refrigeration, Reverse Brayton cycle; moist air:
psychrometric chart, basic psychrometric processes.
Pelton-wheel, Francis and Kaplan turbines - impulse and reaction principles, velocity diagrams.

 Manufacturing and Industrial Engineering

Engineering Materials
Structure and properties of engineering materials, heat treatment, stress-strain diagrams for
engineering materials.

Metal Casting:

Design of patterns, moulds and cores; solidification and cooling; riser and gating design, design

Plastic deformation and yield criteria; fundamentals of hot and cold working processes; load
estimation for bulk (forging, rolling, extrusion, drawing) and sheet (shearing, deep drawing,
bending) metal forming processes; principles of powder metallurgy.


Physics of welding, brazing and soldering; adhesive bonding; design considerations in welding.

Machining and Machine Tool Operations:

Mechanics of machining, single and multi-point cutting tools, tool geometry and materials, tool
life and wear; economics of machining; principles of non-traditional machining processes;
principles of work holding, principles of design of jigs and fixtures
Metrology and Inspection:

Limits, fits and tolerances; linear and angular measurements; comparators; gauge design;
interferometry; form and finish measurement; alignment and testing methods; tolerance analysis
in manufacturing and assembly.
Computer Integrated Manufacturing:
Basic concepts of CAD/CAM and their integration tools.

Production Planning and Control:

Forecasting models, aggregate production planning, scheduling, materials requirement

Inventory Control:

Deterministic and probabilistic models; safety stock inventory control systems.

Operations Research:

Linear programming, simplex and duplex method, transportation, assignment, network flow
models, simple queuing models, PERT and CPM.

Monday, 12 March 2012

program for spur and helical gear design

                                  #program for spur gear design#

void main()
float G,P,L,R,t,Y,Z,A,B,W,N,T,S,D,M,V,r,F;
printf("enter the value of endurence strength for gear=");
printf("enter the value of endurence strength for pinion=");
printf("enter the value of number of teeth on gear=");
printf("enter the value of number of teeth on pinion=");
printf("enter the value of form factor for gear=");
printf("enter the value of form factor for pinion=");


 printf("the pinion is weaker ,the design should be done for pinion");

Printf(“the gear is weaker ,the design should be done for gear”)
               printf("enter the value of power=");
printf("enter the value of rotational speed= ");

printf("enter the value of induced stress =");
printf("diameter of pinion=%f\n",D);
printf("enter the value of radius=");
printf("velocity =%f\n",V);
printf("face width=%f\n",F);


enter the value of endurence strength for gear=60000000
enter the value of endurence strength for pinion=40000000
enter the value of number of teeth on gear=54
enter the value of number of teeth on pinion=26
enter the value of form factor for gear=.12
enter the value of form factor for pinion=.094
the pinion is weaker the design should be done for pinion
enter the value of power=14000
enter the value of rotational speed= 340
enter the value of induced stress =40000000
diameter of pinion=.07740
enter the value of radius=34
velocity =12.09946
face width=.03072

                                               #program for helical gear design#


#define y=0.107
void main()
float so,ses,m,b,ps,pa,ha,gs,tg,tp,vtp,vtg,s,k,v,f;

    printf("Enter the value of endurace strength=");
    printf("Enter the value of ses=");
    printf("Enter the value of module=");
    printf("Enter the value of facewidth=");

    printf("Enter the value of speed of pinion=");
    printf("Enter the value of speed of gear=");
    printf("Enter the value of teeth of pinion=");
    printf("Enter the value of pressure angle=");
    printf("Enter the value of helix angle=");

    printf("teeth of gear=%f\n",tg);
    printf("virtual teeth for pinion=%f\n",vtp);

    printf("virtual teeth for gear=%f\n",vtg);


    printf("enduced bending stress=%f\n",s);




Enter the value of endurace strength=70000000
Enter the value of ses=630000000
Enter the value of module=0.003
Enter the value of facewidth=0.03
Enter the value of speed of pinion=600
Enter the value of speed of gear=300
Enter the value of teeth of pinion=25
Enter the value of pressure angle=0.34888
Enter the value of helix angle=0.40122
teeth of gear=50
virtual teeth for pinion=32.05248
virtual teeth for gear=64.10497
enduced bending stress=53442871.9

Monday, 13 February 2012

previous year question papers of advance welding technology for (UPTU/GBTU/MTU)

                                            (SEM.6th )Examination ,2008-09 

NOTE:-  1.Attempt all five questions.
             2.all questions carry equal marks\
     precise in your answer
Question no.-1 write short note on any four of the following:
(a)explosive welding
(b)modes of metal transfer
(d)ultrasonic welding
(e)TIG vs MIG
(f)soldering and brazing

Question no.-2-write any two of the following:
(a)what is the schaeffler diagram? how it can be used for the selection of electrodes?
(b)explain the principle of electron beam welding with a neat sketch.what is the mechanism of high carbon peetration ?what do you understand by work accelerated and self accelerated electron gun?
(c)explain the laser beam welding with the help of diagram.what is the principle of laser generation ?

Question no.-3-answer any two of  the following:

(a)what do you mean by underwater welding ?describe in may arc stability could be improved in it?   what are the advantages and limitations of wet under water welding ?
(b)what is the principle behind ultrasonic welding ?describe ultrasonic welding with a neat sketch.
(c)what is metallising process ?how the surface of work must be prepared for this process also describe the nature of bond between sprayed metal and work.

Question no.-4-  -answer any two of the following:

(a)briefly describe the neat sketches the procedure commenly followed for the welding of pipelines on site .what is stove pipe technique or welding pipelines ?
(b)what are the similarities and differences between casting of metals and fusion welds?
(c)explain in brief the various defects and distortions in welding.

Question no.5-answer any two of the following:

(a)define weldability of materials and mention the factors on which weldability depends.
(b)what is weld decay ?how can weld decay be avoided?
(c)what are the characterstics of HAZ  ? also explain the factors affecting HAZ.

                                            (SEM.6th )Examination ,2007-08 

NOTE:-  1.Attempt all five questions.
             2.all questions carry equal marks\
     precise in your answer
Question no.-1 write short note on any four of the following:
(a)electron beam welding
(b)arc blow in welding
(c)spray welding
(d)importance of schaeffler diagram
(e) electroslag welding
(f)under water welding
(g)life prediction of welded structures

Question no.2.answer any two of the following:

(a)what do you understand by polarity in welding .compare DC welding with AC welding .which polarity will you select while welding (1)aluminium (2)copper?what are the forces acting which transfer the metal from the metal electrode to the work piece in course of welding ?
(b)what do you understand by friction welding ?where is it suitable?discuss its principle .what are the diffrences amongst the homogeneous ,autogeneous and heterogeneous process?give example of each process.
(c)what do you understand by resistance welding ?what s the spot welding and how it defers from the projection welding ?what is to be done to join different thickness of same metals by spot welding?what must be done to joint same thickness of different metals?

Question no.3-answer any two of the  following:
(a)describe with the sketches ,the mechanism of explosive welding.also briefly write about weld interface and welding parameters .what are the applications of the explosive welding ?
(b)what is meant by hard facing ?how hard facing with electrical arc  is theoretically  considered as simultaneous alloy steel making in electrical arc furnace and heat treatment ?what welding process may be used for hard facing ?enumerate the advantages and applications of the hardfacing.
(c)explain the terms transferred mode and non transferred modes used in plasma arc welding .what is plasma?describe plasma acr weldimg and mention its advantages .

Question no.4-answer any two of the following:

(a)whats is meant by weld quality ?discuss the factors that influence it.
(b)explain why some joints may have to be preheated prior to welding?
(c)list the rules that must be followed to avoid cracking in welded joints.

Question no.5-answer any two of the following:

  (a)define weldability .discuss the weldability if carbon metals and explain why some metals are easier to weld than others .cast iron is generally difficult to weld .why?how does the weldability of steel changes as its carbon content increases ?
(b)describe the reasons that fatigue failures heat generally occurs in HAZ of welds instead of through the weld bead itself.
(c)define theoretical/empirical/semi-empirical approach for temperature distribution in welding.also ,draw temperature contours around the weld of arc during arc welding.

NOTE:- these questions are important for sessional tests as well as university point of view .the questions written in red colour are most important for the 1st sessional test

Saturday, 28 January 2012

program to calculate gear parameters ,gear calculator program

#    program to calculate the gear parameters  #
void main()                                                                
        float t,d,c,s,a,k,m,w;                                              
        printf("enter the value of t=");                                    
        printf("enter the value of diametral pitch=");                      
        printf("Cirular Pitch=%f\n",c);                                    
        printf("pitch diameter=%f\n",d);                                  

       printf("outside diameter =%f\n",m);                              
      printf("working depth=%f\n",w);                        
enter the value of t=70
enter the value of diametral pitch=3.5
Cirular Pitch=0.897143
pitch diameter=20.000000
outside diameter =20.571428
working depth=0.571429

guyz plz comment if you like this program.........

Tuesday, 17 January 2012

syllabus for 3rd year mechanical engineering(uptu/gbtu)


                                               UNIT I
Spur Gears
Tooth forms, System of gear teeth, contact ratio, Standard proportions of gear systems,
Interference in involute gears, Backlash, Selection of gear materials, Gear
manufacturing methods, Design considerations, Beam strength of gear tooth, Dynamic
tooth load, Wear strength of gear tooth, Failure of gear tooth, Design of spur gears,
AGMA and Indian standards.

Helical Gears

Terminology, Proportions for helical gears, Beam strength and wear strength of helical
gears, herringbone gears, crossed helical gears, Design of helical gears. 3
Worm Gears
Types of worms, Terminology, Gear tooth proportions, Efficiency of worm gears, Heat
dissipation in worm gearing, Strength and wear tooth load for worm gears, Design of
worm gearing


Sliding Contact Bearing
Types, Selection of bearing, Plain journal bearing, Hydrodynamic lubrication, Properties
and materials, Lubricants and lubrication, Hydrodynamic journal bearing, Heat
generation, Design of journal bearing, Thrust bearing-pivot and collar bearing,
Hydrodynamic thrust bearing, Rolling Contact Bearing
Advantages and disadvantages, Types of ball bearing, Thrust ball bearing, Types of
roller bearing, Selection of radial ball bearing, Bearing life, Selection of roller bearings,
Dynamic equivalent load for roller contact bearing under constant and variable loading,
Reliability of Bearing, Selection of rolling contact bearing, Lubrication of ball and roller
bearing, Mounting of bearing


Selection of type of IC engine, General design considerations, Design of Cylinder and
cylinder head; Design of piston, piston ring and gudgeon pin; Design of connecting rod;
Design of centre crankshaft Note: There will be three big questions from each unit. Units I & II each consists of
40 marks whereas Unit III consists of 20 marks. Design data book is allowed in the
Books and References:
1. Mechanical Engineering Design – Joseph E. Shigely, McGraw Hill Publications
2. Design of Machine Memebers-Alex Valance and VI Doughtie, McGraw Hill Co.
3. Machine design-M.F. Spott, Prentice Hall India
4. Machine Design-Maleev and Hartman, CBS
5. Machine design -Black & Adams, Mc Graw Hill
6. Machine Design-Sharma and Agrawal, S.K. Katara & Sons
7. Design of Machine Elements-V.B. Bhandari, Tata McGraw Hill Co.

Static & Dynamic Force Analysis
Static equilibrium of two/three force members, Static equilibrium of member with two
forces and torque, Static force analysis of linkages, D’Alembert’s principle, Equivalent
offset inertia force, Dynamic force analysis of four link mechanism and slider crank
mechanism, Engine force analysis-Piston and crank effort 5
Turning Moment & Flywheel
Turning moment on crankshaft, Turning moment diagrams-single cylinder double acting
steam engine, four stroke IC engine and multi-cylinder steam engine, Fluctuation of
energy, Flywheel

Balancing of Machines
Static and dynamic balancing, Balancing of several masses in the same plane and
different planes, Balancing of reciprocating masses, Balancing of primary force in
reciprocating engine, Partial balancing of two cylinder locomotives, Variation of tractive
force, swaying couple, hammer blow
Terminology, Centrifugal governors-Watt governor, Dead weight governors-Porter &
Proell governor, Spring controlled governor-Hartnell governor, Sensitivity, Stability,
Hunting, Isochronism, Effort and Power of governor, Controlling force diagrams for
Porter governor and Spring controlled governors

Gyroscopic Motion
Principles, Gyroscopic torque, Effect of gyroscopic couple on the stability of aero planes
& automobiles Mechanical Vibrations
Types of vibrations, Degrees of freedom, Single degree free & damped vibrations,
Forced vibration of single degree system under harmonic excitation, Critical speeds of
shaft Books and References:
1. Theory of Machines - Thomas Bevan
2. Theory of Machines and Mechanisms- Shigley
3. Theory of Machines and Mechanisms-Ghosh & Mallik
4. Theory of Machines and Mechanisms- Rao & Dukkipati
5. Theory of Machines - S.S. Rattan
6. Theory of Machines – R.K. Bansal
7. Mechanics of Machines – V. Ramamurti
8. Theory of Machines – Khurmi & Gupta
9. Theory of Machines – P.L. Ballaney
10. Theory of Machines – V. P. Singh


Introduction to refrigeration system, Methods of refrigeration, Carnot refrigeration
cycle, Unit of refrigeration, Refrigeration effect & C.O.P.
Air Refrigeration cycle:
Open and closed air refrigeration cycles, Reversed Carnot cycle, Bell Coleman
or Reversed Joule air refrigeration cycle, Aircraft refrigeration system, Classification of
aircraft refrigeration system. Boot strap refrigeration, Regenerative, Reduced ambient,
Dry air rated temperature (DART).
Vapour Compression System:
Single stage system, Analysis of vapour compression cycle, Use of T-S and P-H
charts, Effect of change in suction and discharge pressures on C.O.P, Effect of sub
cooling of condensate & superheating of refrigerant vapour on C.O.P of the cycle,
Actual vapour compression refrigeration cycle, Multistage vapour compression system
requirement, Removal of flash gas, Intercooling, Different configuration of multistage
system, Cascade system.
Vapour Absorption system;
Working Principal of vapour absorption refrigeration system, Comparison
between absorption & compression systems, Elementary idea of refrigerant absorbent
mixtures, Temperature – concentration diagram & Enthalpy – concentration diagram ,
Adiabatic mixing of two streams, Ammonia – Water vapour absorption system, Lithium-
Bromide water vapour absorption system, Comparison. 5
Classification of refrigerants, Nomenclature, Desirable properties of refrigerants,
Common refrigerants, Secondary refrigerants and CFC free refrigerants. 3
Air Conditioning:
Introduction to air conditioning, Psychometric properties and their definitions,
Psychometric chart, Different Psychometric processes, Thermal analysis of human body,
Effective temperature and comfort chart, Cooling and heating load calculations,
Selection of inside & outside design conditions, Heat transfer through walls & roofs,
Infiltration & ventilation, Internal heat gain, Sensible heat factor ( SHF ), By pass factor,
Grand Sensible heat factor ( GSHF), Apparatus dew point (ADP). 8
Refrigeration Equipment & Application:
Elementary knowledge of refrigeration & air conditioning equipments e.g
compressors, condensers, evaporators & expansion devices, Air washers, Cooling,
towers & humidifying efficiency, Food preservation, Cold storage, Refrigerates Freezers,
Ice plant, Water coolers, Elementary knowledge of transmission and distribution of air
through ducts and fans, Basic difference between comfort and industrial air conditioning. 7
1. Refrigeration and Air conditioning, by Manohar Prasad, New Age International (P) Ltd.Pub.
2. Refrigeration and Air conditioning by C.P Arora.
3. Refrigeration and Air conditioning by Arora & Domkundwar.
4. Refrigeration and Air conditioning by stoecker & Jones.
5. Refrigeration and Air conditioning by Roy J. Dossat.
6. Refrigeration and Air conditioning by P.L. Baloney.
7. Thermal Environment Engg. by Kuhen, Ramsey & Thelked.

Classification of Fluid Machines & Devices, Application of momentum and momentum
equation to flow through hydraulic machinery, Euler’s fundamental equation. 4
Impact of jet:
Introduction to hydrodynamic thrust of jet on a fixed and moving surface (flat & curve),
Effect of inclination of jet with the surface.
Hydraulic Turbines:
Classification of turbines, Impulse turbines, Constructional details, Velocity triangles,
Power and efficiency calculations, Governing of Pelton wheel. 4
Reaction Turbines:
Francis and Kaplan turbines, Constructional details, Velocity triangles, Power and
efficiency calculations, Degree of reaction, Draft tube, Cavitation in turbines, Principles
of similarity, Unit and specific speed, Performance characteristics, Selection of water
turbines. 8
Centrifugal Pumps:
Classifications of centrifugal pumps, Vector diagram, Work done by impellor, Efficiencies
of centrifugal pumps, Specific speed, Model testing, Cavitation & separation and their
control, Performance characteristics. 7
Positive Displacement Pumps:
Reciprocating pump theory, Slip and coefficient of discharges, Indicator diagram, Effect
and acceleration, Work saved by fitting air vessels, Comparison of centrifugal and
reciprocating pumps, Positive rotary pumps, Gear and Vane pumps, Performance
characteristics. 6
Other Machines:
Hydraulic accumulator, Special duty pumps, Intensifier, Hydraulic press, Lift and cranes,
Theory of hydraulic coupling and torque converters, Performance characteristics. 5
Water Lifting Devices :
Hydraulic ram, Jet pumps, Air lift pumps.
Hydraulic Machines by Jagdish Lal, Metropolitan book co. pvt ltd.
Hydraulic Machines: Theory & Design, V.P.Vasandhani, Khanna Pub.
Applied Hydraulics by Addison
Hydraulic Machines by R K Rajput, S.Chand & co Ltd.
Hydraulic Machines by D S Kumar
0 1 2
Minimum 8 experiments from following
1. Impact of Jet experiment.
2. Turbine experiment on Pelton wheel.
3. Turbine experiment on Francis turbine.
4. Turbine experiment on Kaplan turbine.
5. Experiment on Reciprocating pump.
6. Experiment on centrifugal pump.
7. Experiment on Hydraulic Jack/Press
8. Experiment on Hydraulic Brake
9. Experiment on Hydraulic Ram
10. Study through detailed visit of any water pumping station/plant
11. Any other suitable experiment/test rig such as comparison & performance of
different types of pumps and turbines.
12. Experiment on Compressor
13. Experiment for measurement of drag and lift on aerofoil in wind tunnel

A. Computer and Language : students are required to learn the basics of computer
language such as C and C++ so that they should be able to write the computer
programme (3practical turns)
B. Writing Computer programme for conventional design: Students are required to
write computer program and validate it for the design of machine components done
in theory subject (5practical turns)
C. Mini Project: Each student will be given a real life problem for the complete design
of a subsystem/system using either manual calculation with the help of design
handbook or through computer programme, if needed. This will be done as home
assignment to be submitted at the end of the semester.
Note: Eight experiments out of the following are to be conducted
1. Study of simple linkage models/mechanisms
2. Study of inversions of four bar linkage
3. Study of inversions of single/double slider crank mechanisms
4. Experiment on Gears tooth profile, interference etc.
5. Experiment on Gear trains
6. Experiment on longitudinal vibration
7. Experiment on transverse vibration
8. Experiments on dead weight type governor
9. Experiment on spring controlled governor
10. Experiment on critical speed of shaft
11. Experiment on gyroscope
12. Experiment on static/dynamic balancing
13. Experiment on Brake
14. Experiment on clutch

Introduction : Importance and application of welding, classification of welding process.
Selection of welding process. 2
Brief review of conventional welding process : Gas welding, Arc welding, MIG, TIG
welding. Resistance welding. Electroslag welding, Friction welding etc. Welding of
MS.CI, Al, Stainless steel & Maurer/Schaefflar Diagram. Soldering & Brazing. 5
Advanced welding Techniques- Principle and working and application of advanced
welding techniques such as Plasma Arc welding, Laser beam welding, Electron beam
welding, Ultrasonic welding etc. 7
Advanced welding Techniques (continued) : Principle and working and application of
advanced welding techniques such as explosive welding/ cladding, Underwater welding,
Spray-welding / Metallising, Hard facing.
Weld Design : Welding machines/equipments and its characteristics and arc-stability,
Weld defects and distortion and its remedies, Inspection/testing of welds, Weld Design,
Welding of pipe-lines and pressure vessels. Life predication. Thermal and Metallurgical consideration.: Thermal considerations for welding,
temperature distribution, Analytical/Empirical analysis/formulae, heating & cooling
curves. Metallurgical consideration of weld, HAZ and Parent metal, micro & macro
structure. Solidification of weld and properties.

EHU-601 : Industrial Management

 Introduction : Concept, Development, application and scope of Industrial Management.
 Productivity : Definition, measurement, productivity index, types of production system,
Industrial Ownership.
 Management Function : Principles of Management- Management Tools – time and
motion study, work simplification- process charts and  flow diagrams, Production
Planning, Specification of Production requirements.
 Inventory control : Inventory, cost, Deterministic models, Introduction to supply chain
 Quality control : Meaning, process control, SQC control charts, single, double and
sequential sampling, Introduction to TQM.
 Environmental Issues : Environmental Pollution – various management techniques to
control Environmental pollution – Various control acts for Air, Water, Solid waste and
Noise pollution.
Reference Books
1. Khanna O.P.  : Industrial Engineering
2. T.R. Banga : Industrial Engineering and Management
3. Sharma B.R. : Environmental and Pollution Awareness.