Sunday, 27 January 2013

syllabus for 8th semester UPTU/MTU/GBTU

Unit –I (6 sessions)
Managing Operations
Operations Management – Function, Evolution, Definition, Systems view of P&OM;
Operations Strategies for Competitive Advantage;
Unit –II ( 9 sessions)
Planning (Designing) the conversion System
Designing Products, Services and Processes; Operations Capacity; Locating Production
and Service facilities; Layout Planning.
Unit-III (7 sessions)
Organizing the conversion System
Job design, Production and Operations standards, and work measurement; Project
Unit-IV (8 sessions)
Scheduling Production and Service System
Scheduling systems, Aggregate Planning for Production and service system; Operations
Unit-V (10 sessions)
Material Requirements Planning
Planning for needs, applying MRP, Detailed capacity planning, MRP II.
Managing for World class Competition
World class Manufacturing practices; Managing for Quality; Conversion Process in

Introduction, operating life cycle, reliability, Failure data analysis, failure rate curve,
hazard models, elements in series, parallel, mix, logic diagrams, improving reliability,
redundancy-element, unit, standby, maintainability, availability, reliability and
maintainability trade off. 8
Maintenance Strategies: Break down maintenance, planned maintenance, strategies,
preventive maintenance, design out maintenance, planned lubrication, total productive
maintenance, zero break down, preventive inspection of equipment used in emergency. 8
Replacement planning maintain or replace decision, replacement of items that
deteriorate identical equipment, replacement of items that fail without deterioration
individual, group replacement, replacement in anticipation of failure. 8
Break down maintenance planning, assignment model, waiting time models expected
waiting time, minimum cost service rate, PERT. 8
Maintenance Management, production maintenance system, objectives and functions,
forms, policy, planning, organization, economics of maintenance, manpower planning,
materials planning, spare parts planning and control, evaluation of maintenance

Energy resources and their utilization :
Indian and global energy sources, Energy exploited, Energy planning, Energy
parameters (energy intensity, energy-GDP elasticity), Introduction to various sources of
energy, Solar thermal, Photovoltaic, Water power, Wind energy, Biomass, Ocean
thermal, Tidal and wave energy, Geothermal energy, Hydrogen energy systems, Fuel
cells, Decentralized and dispersed generation. 3
Solar radiations:
Extra terrestrial radiation, Spectral distribution, Solar constant, Solar radiations on earth,
Measurement of solar radiations, Solar radiation geometry, Flux on a plane surface,
Latitude, Declination angle, Surface azimuth angle, Hour angle, Zenith angle, Solar
altitude angle expression for angle between incident beam and the normal to a plane
surface (no derivation), Local apparent time, Apparent motion of sun, Day length, Solar
radiation data for India. 4
Solar energy:
Solar thermal power and it's conversion, Solar collectors, Flat plate, Performance
analysis of flat plate collector, Solar concentrating collectors, Types of concentrating
collectors, Thermodynamic limits to concentration, Cylindrical collectors, Thermal
analysis of solar collectors, Tracking CPC and solar swing . 2
Solar thermal energy storage, Different systems, Solar pond. 2
Applications, Water heating, Space heating & cooling, Solar distillation, solar pumping,
solar cooking, Greenhouses, Solar power plants. 2
Solar photovoltaic system:
Photovoltaic effect, Efficiency of solar cells, Semiconductor materials for solar cells,
Solar photovoltaic system, Standards of solar photovoltaic system, Applications of PV
system, PV hybrid system. 2
Photosynthesis, Bio gas production Aerobic and anaerobic bio-conversion process, Raw
materials, Properties of bio gas, Producer gas, Transportation of bio gas, bio gas plant
technology & status, Community biogas plants, Problems involved in bio gas production,
Bio gas applications, Biomass conversion techniques, Biomass gasification, Energy
recovery from urban waste, Power generation from liquid waste, Biomass cogeneration,
Energy plantation, Fuel properties, Biomass resource development in India. 5
Wind energy:
Properties of wind, Availability of wind energy in India, wind velocity, Wind machine
fundamentals, Types of wind machines and their characteristics, Horizontal and Vertical
axis wind mills, Elementary design principles, Coefficient of performance of a wind mill
rotor, Aerodynamic considerations in wind mill design, Selection of a wind mill, Wind
energy farms, Economic issues, Recent development. 3
Electrochemical effects and fuel cells:
Principle of operation of an acidic fuel cell, Reusable cells, Ideal fuel cells, Other types of
fuel cells, Comparison between acidic and alkaline hydrogen-oxygen fuel cells,
Efficiency and EMF of fuel cells, Operating characteristics of fuel cells, Advantages of
fuel cell power plants, Future potential of fuel cells . 3
Tidal power:
Tides and waves as sources of energy, Fundamentals of tidal power, Use of tidal energy
Limitations of tidal energy conversion systems. 2
Hydrogen Energy:
Properties of hydrogen in respect of it's use as source of renewable energy, Sources of
hydrogen, Production of hydrogen, Storage and transportation, Problems with hydrogen
as fuel, Development of hydrogen cartridge, Economics of hydrogen fuel and its use.. 3
Thermoelectric systems:
Kelvin relations, power generation, Properties of thermoelectric materials, Fusion
Plasma generators.
Geothermal energy:
Structure of earth’s interior, Geothermal sites, earthquakes & volcanoes, Geothermal
resources, Hot springs, Steam ejection, Principal of working, Types of geothermal
station with schematic representation, Site selection for geothermal power plants.
Advanced concepts, Problems associated with geothermal conversion. 2
Ocean energy;
Principle of ocean thermal energy conversion, Wave energy conversion machines,
Power plants based on ocean energy, Problems associated with ocean thermal energy
conversion systems, Thermoelectric OTEC, Developments of OTEC, Economics . 2
Impact of renewable energy generation on environment, Kyoto Protocol, Cost of
electricity production from different energy sources, Energy options for Indian economy.

Power and energy, sources of energy, review of thermodynamic cycles related to
power plants, fuels and combustion calculations. 3
Load estimation, load curves, various terms and factors involved in power plant
calculations. Effect of variable load on power plant operation, Selection of power plant
units. 2
Power plant economics and selection
Effect of plant type on costs, rates, fixed elements, energy elements, customer
elements and investor’s profit; depreciation and replacement, theory of rates. Economics
of plant selection, other considerations in plant selection. 3
Steam power plant
General layout of steam power plant, Power plant boilers including critical and
super critical boilers. Fluidized bed boilers, boilers mountings and accessories, Different
systems such as coal handling system, pulverizers and coal burners, combustion
system, draft, ash handling system, Dust collection system, Feed water treatment and
condenser and cooling towers and cooling ponds, Turbine auxiliary systems such as
governing, feed heating, reheating , flange heating and gland leakage. Operation and
maintenance of steam power plant, heat balance and efficiency, Site selection of a
steam power plant. 8
Diesel power plant
General layout, Components of Diesel power plant, Performance of diesel power
plant, fuel system, lubrication system, air intake and admission system, supercharging
system, exhaust system, diesel plant operation and efficiency, heat balance, Site
selection of diesel power plant, Comparative study of diesel power plant with steam
power plant. 2
Gas turbine power plant
Layout of gas turbine power plant, Elements of gas turbine power plants, Gas
turbine fuels, cogeneration, auxiliary systems such as fuel, controls and lubrication,
operation and maintenance, Combined cycle power plants, Site selection of gas turbine
power plant 6
Nuclear power plant
Principles of nuclear energy, Lay out of nuclear power plant, Basic components of
nuclear reactions, nuclear power station, Nuclear waste disposal, Site selection of
nuclear power plants. 3
Hydro electric station
Hydrology, Principles of working, applications, site selection, classification and
arrangements, hydro-electric plants, run off size of plant and choice of units, operation
and maintenance, hydro systems, interconnected systems. 4
Non Conventional Power Plants
Introduction to non-conventional power plants (Solar, wind, geothermal, tidal)etc. 2
Electrical system
Generators and generator cooling, transformers and their cooling, bus bar, etc. 2
Purpose, classification, selection and application, recorders and their use, listing
of various control rooms. 3
Pollution due to power generation